It’s that time of year – New Year’s Resolutions! Instead of vowing to never eat another candy bar again, or to lose an unhealthy amount of weight in an unrealistic amount of time, why not try making resolutions that will enhance the bond between you and your dog? 🙂 You’re far more likely to succeed if your resolution involves something enjoyable like walking your dog more or training for a new sport!

Check out some ideas for resolutions below and let us know what you plan to do with your dog next year!

Get Moving!

Did you know that according to a 2018 Study conducted on behalf of the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, a whopping 55% of dogs in the US are considered overweight or obese?* As a veterinary professional, I can tell you that I see a lot of overweight pets.  And it’s probably one of the easiest and cheapest things you can fix for your pet.  Arthritis is also aggravated by extra weight on those overworked joints and many pets (and people!) are medicated daily to alleviate pain and inflammation.  Weight loss is paramount for pets who are arthritic and it may mean the difference between taking daily medications, or using one as needed.  Aside from the potential health benefits such as weight loss and increased cardiovascular health, walking gets you and your pets outside, into the fresh air, and away from screens and the stress of every day life.  Nature is a great healer and we should all spend a little more time in it.  

Exercise your brain too!

Dogs of all ages can benefit from additional mental stimulation.  This could be learning a new trick or command, buying them a puzzle type toy or an interactive feeder, or taking them to a new place to sniff out new smells.  Dogs are also creatures of habit so some would prefer new experiences in smaller doses than others, but there are also those dogs who live and thrive on adventure.  You know your dog best, be their guardian and enrich their lives safely. Not only will your dog benefit from the new experiences, you will too.  Dog people can be great friends, and if your non-dog friends are sick of you talking about your dog or posting pictures of them on Instagram, well your new friends will be happy to show you the love!

Be a lifelong learner!

You definitely can teach an old dog new tricks! Plenty of people go back to college later in life.  I’m currently 3/4 of the way done with my bachelors degree and I’m in my mid 30s.  Dogs can go to training at any age as long as they’re healthy enough for it and it would be a positive addition to their lives.  Obedience, Nosework, Rally, Dock Diving, there are so many fun things you and your dog can enjoy together. A lot of these activities are appropriate even for senior pets who may not be as spry as they once were. Dogs in their teens have competed and titled in scent work and it keeps them active into their silver years. There are also dog related classes that people can take, consider taking a pet CPR class for example.  Or if you’ve always wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument, dance, or how to write code, maybe 2020 is your year! Whatever it is, make sure it sparks joy! 

Get a check up! 

When was the last time you took your pet to the vet? I’m not just talking going to the local shot clinic and standing in line to update their vaccines because your city makes you…when did they last see a doctor of veterinary medicine and have a physical exam, along with a comprehensive health history taken by a competent technician or assistant? Did you know the physical exam is one of the most important things your veterinary team can do for your dog? (check out the picture below!) When was the last time your pet had bloodwork? A Urinalysis? Early detection of things like liver or kidney disease, can give you the opportunity to add years onto your pets life with supplements, diet changes or medications.  The same goes for humans!  Some people are not even allowed to do their jobs until they have been cleared by a doctor through a physical exam and annual lab testing.  Preventive health care is all about eating right, getting plenty of sleep and regular activity, along with seeing your doctor or veterinarian at least once a year to make sure you’re as healthy as can be.  You wouldn’t dream of not taking your car for regular services or oil changes, well think of annual check ups like your 30,000 mile tune up! 😉

Live for the Moment.

I will be the first person to admit that I suffer from the worst case of analysis paralysis, overthinking and worrying beyond what is reasonably necessary.  Lately I have been trying to stop it because all it does is rob me of joy and potential opportunities.  If you’re always worrying about things, or waiting for the right time, you might never do anything and the time will pass by anyway. Then what do you have to show for it?  You’re stuck in the same spot you were before and then you’re mad because you should have just acted! Well, Act! Buy the shoes, sign up for the 5K, move house, have a baby, enter the trial, get the puppy, start agility, learn to groom, ride a horse, do the things you want to.  Don’t wait for the “Perfect” time, because it may never come, or it might, but you may not recognize it because it looks very different to what you’re expecting. Dogs live for the moment.  Luckily for them, they’re not plagued by worry like we are, about budgets and jobs, decisions and life.  They just want to be a dog, and have fun doing dog things. Sniffing, playing and chewing toys. Let them, and enjoy doing dog things with them. So resolve to be more like your dog this coming year! Go do it, NOW! 

Tell me about your goals, hopes and dreams for 2020!

2 Replies to “2020: Resolutions for You & Your Dog!”

  1. Loved this! My 2019 goal was to put my dog in some type of dog class. I went the entire year not doing it… until December 30 (2 days until 2020) and we had our first rally class!! My 2020 goals are more geared toward hiking, but I’d say my goals for my dog are to continue in rally and be successful. When she was little, she was on her way to being aggressive, but I sought help before it got too bad. We’re still overcoming it, so in 2020 I’d like to continue to make progress!

    1. That is so great! Once our obedience is more on point I’d love to try Rally. I’m so proud of you guys for getting out there and doing it. I hope 2020 is amazing for you and your pup and I look forward to hearing more about your adventures!

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